Compassion Medical Clinic - Kinshasa

Macklann Basse and his wife Rose
Macklann Basse and his wife Rose
The Compassion Medical Clinic was originally constructed in 2010 and employed 2 nurses and 1 doctor. The clinic has relocated to a larger facility that allows them to perform minor operations and run an OB clinic.

The staff includes 3 doctors, 1 general administrator, 1 lab technician, 1 general technician, and 7 nurses.

90% of the population the clinic serves lack the resources to cover most of the cost of any kind of medical care. This requires the clinic to supplement these costs through fundraising.
Annual Operating Costs: $43,000
(90% funded $4,000/year still needed) 
Temporarily, KRS will be accepting donations through our partner church; New City Fellowship. Please make sure you select Kingdom Restoration Society under Campus and the Field you would like to donate to under Fund. Please add a Note describing which Specific Ministry you are supporting. 
KRS will only ask for donations for current needs. We will update the requests on a quarterly basis.