AMANA Training Institute - Lome

Macklann Basse and his wife Rose
Theological education for pastors, ministry leaders and missionaries is also provided through the AMN (African Missions with the Nations) Institute in partnership with Third Millennium Ministries. Third Mill provides seminary quality education, free of charge, to underserved pastors and church communities through an extensive series of video and written lecture materials on the Bible and Theology.

The AMN Institute currently has leaders enrolled in 2 locations that meet weekly under the supervision of Pastor Basse.

Budget Needs:  $5,580 per year

Temporarily, KRS will be accepting donations through our partner church; New City Fellowship.
Please make sure you select Kingdom Restoration Society under Campus and the Field you would like to donate to under Fund.
KRS will only ask for donations for current needs. We will update the requests on a quarterly basis.